/manager/Index en-au 5 Heat stress in legume seed setting: effects, causes, and future prospects /manager/Repository/uon:45139 Medicago truncatula, with a small diploid genome, and well-established transformation system and molecular platforms, has become a valuable model for testing gene function that can be applied to advance the physiological and molecular understanding of legume reproductive heat tolerance.]]> Wed 28 Feb 2024 14:58:58 AEDT ]]> Seed oil storage in three contrasted legume species: implications for oil improvement /manager/Repository/uon:40536 Medicago. Abstract: Legume seeds provide a significant oil alternative to meat fat needs. Increasing demand for oil nutrition in the context of sustainable crop production has stimulated the exploration of legume seed oil storage regulation. This study investigated the cellular characteristics of seed oil storage using three legume species i.e. Medicago truncatula, Glycine max and Pongamia pinnata representing different oil/protein ratios, and then examined in vitro approaches for assessing strategies in enhancing seed oil storage. A greater range of oil body sizes was in higher oil/protein content species, with highest species having the largest oil bodies; and the smallest oil body size being relatively similar across species, suggesting that the arrangement of oil body size may be factor in mediating oil content. The expression of four key transcription factors i.e. LEC1, L1L, FUS3 and ABI3, and four oleosin genes in determining seed oil content was compared in vivo and in vitro using somatic embryos in Medicago, along with cellular evidence of oil bodies in somatic embryos, indicating that somatic embryos may be suitable models for rapid assessment of seed oil enhancement. This study revealed the cellular characteristics for legume seed oil storage with different nutritional compositions, and identified the associated molecular basis for boosting seed oil storage via regulating oil body size. In addition, somatic embryogenesis may be an effective system for examining oil production by modifying the expression of candidate genes prior to in vivo testing.]]> Wed 28 Feb 2024 14:57:05 AEDT ]]> Protocols for obtaining zygotic and somatic embryos for studying the regulation of early embryo development in the model legume Medicago truncatula /manager/Repository/uon:27039 Medicago truncatula to reach the early cotyledon stage. Here, we address the issue by two approaches. The first one establishes a linkage between embryo development and pod morphology in helping indicate the stage of the zygotic embryo. This is particularly based on the number of pod spirals and development of the spines. An alternative way to complement the in vivo studies is via culturing leaf explants to produce somatic embryos. The medium includes an unusual hormone combination - an auxin (1-naphthaleneacetic acid), a cytokinin (6- benzylaminopurine), abscisic acid and gibberellic acid. The different stages can be discerned growing out of the callus without dissection.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:45:31 AEST ]]> Regulation of carbon partitioning in the seed of the model legume Medicago truncatula and Medicago orbicularis: a comparative approach /manager/Repository/uon:31267 Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:44:59 AEST ]]> Genetic regulation of embryo development and formation of seed storage products in the legume model Medicago truncatula /manager/Repository/uon:13358 Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:16:51 AEST ]]> Medicago truncatula as a model for understanding plant interactions with other organisms, plant development and stress biology: past, present and future /manager/Repository/uon:4721 Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:31:55 AEST ]]> From embryo sac to oil and protein bodies: embryo development in the model legume Medicago truncatula /manager/Repository/uon:26725 Medicago truncatula has received little attention. We studied M. truncatula embryogenesis from embryo sac until cotyledon maturation, including oil and protein body biogenesis. We characterized embryo development using light and electron microscopy, measurement of protein and lipid fatty acid accumulation and by profiling the expression of key seed storage genes. Embryo sac development in M. truncatula is of the Polygonum type. A distinctive multicellular hypophysis and suspensor develops before the globular stage and by the early cotyledon stage, the procambium connects the developing apical meristems. In the storage parenchyma of cotyledons, ovoid oil bodies surround protein bodies and the plasma membrane. Four major lipid fatty acids accumulate as cotyledons develop, paralleling the expression of OLEOSIN and the storage protein genes, VICILIN and LEGUMIN. Zygotic embryogenesis in M. truncatula features the development of a distinctive multicellular hypophysis and an endopolyploid suspensor with basal transfer cell. A clear procambial connection between the apical meristems is evident and there is a characteristic arrangement of oil bodies in the cotyledons and radicle. Our data help link embryogenesis to the genetic regulation of oil and protein body biogenesis in legume seed.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:26:21 AEDT ]]>